The Materialization is the appearance of our Hope! What we don't yet see, but desire, want, or need, we hope for! Once hope is seen or appears, hope is no longer necessary because we have the Manifestation!

About Us

We are all in this together – and we are glad you are visiting our site. This is our online meeting place, where we organize our activities, share ideas, and publicize our mission.

Contact us here.

Our Work

We work together to make our cause known, to reach out to other groups who share our vision. Whether you’re ready to lend a hand at one of our activities or have photos or articles to share about a recent event, here’s the place to do it.

 Hover your cursor over the pictures below for an interpretation... Click to enlarge.

Join Us

Whether you are a lifetime advocate or new to our cause, we invite you to join us. We welcome new ideas and value enthusiasm and dialogue from members and volunteers, new and old.

"I eat Giant Chestnut Trees for breakfast!"

 Realm Quote: "Enlightenment brings Education. Enlightenment reveals the knowing, knowing what is happening within you is receiving the gift to choose love in advance. Perfect Love is the cause of your full manifestation. It cannot fail! So even if you gave up your life for another, love will still bring you to your full and perfect being and to your complete and full manifestation! Remember, the whole is found in each part and each part is in the sum of the whole, and still the whole is greater than the sum of its parts because of love! In this realm you cannot loose anything..... except your fears!~ John R Fergusson